Here is a brief overview of the essential topics covered in “Gateway 2 Unit 6 Humour”, including Vocabulary, Functions, Grammar, and Writing.
- Vocabulary
- Functions: Expressing Agreement, or Disagreement
- Grammar: Conditional Type 3
- Grammar: Wishes
- Writing: Linking Words
Vocabulary Gateway 2 Unit 6
- Humor: Something said to cause laughter
- A Joke: A short story that causes laughter
- Humorous: Amusing, funny, and laughable
- An impression: An amusing imitation of a famous person
- To make fun of someone: Laugh at someone in a mocking way
- To kid: To make jokes or to joke with someone
- Silly: Funny in a stupid way
- Witty: Funny in an intelligent way
Positive emotions or feelings: Joy – gaiety – delight – cheerfulness – merriment – vivacity – calm – satisfaction–enthusiasm – optimism – jubilation.
Negative emotions or feelings: Anger – despair – depression – loneliness – sadness – frustration – worry – fear.
Idioms: positive feeling /mood:
- Lift one’s spirit
- Things are looking up
- Walk on air
- Someone’s spirit rises
- Tickled pink
- On cloud nine
- In seventh heaven
Idioms: negative feeling /mood:
- To feel quite down
- Someone’s heart sinks into the depths of despair
- To be low
- To be down in the dumps
- To be in a funk
- Feeling blue
Collocations with Make and Do
Make vs. Do
In English, some pairs of words are confusing. This confusion comes from the fact that they have similar meanings but different usage. Examples of these are: lay vs. lie, make vs. do, rob vs. steal, etc.
1- Often means ‘create ‘or ‘produce. ‘
- Renault cars are made in France.
2- Sometimes, it expresses the idea of building and constructing
- Corporations are making a massive number of products in today’s world.
- I’ve made some coffee.
3- To describe a process of change. It is like ‘become ‘or ’cause to be. ‘
- This music makes me upset.
4- Make + object + Infinitive (without to) means’ force or command. ‘
- My mother made me clean my room
1- Often used to describe an activity or complete a task
- What are we going to do for your birthday? (Take part in an activity)
- You can go out once you’ve done your homework.
2- Do + Determiner + ing describes regular tasks at home or work.
- We do the shopping every Sunday.
Collocations with ‘Make’
- An attempt
- An appearance
- An appointment (arrange)
- Arrangement
- A bed
- A (phone) call
- A charge (for something)
- A choice
- A comment
- A contribution
- A decision
- A difference
- A discovery
- An effort
- An enemy of somebody
- An inquiry
- An exception
- An excuse
- A fire
- A fortune
- Friends (with somebody)
- A fuss
- A gesture
- A good/bad job of something
- A habit of something
- Journey
- Journey
- A list
- A living
- Love
- A mess –
- A mistake
- Money
- A noise
- An offer
- A plan
- A point
- A profit
- Progress
- A promise
- A remark
- A sound
- Speech
- A start (on something)
- A suggestion
- Time for (something or somebody)
- Trouble
- War
- A will
Collocations with ‘do.’
- Your best (try hard).
- Business (with somebody).
- The cleaning/washing/ironing etc.
- A course.
- Some damage.
- The dishes.
- Your duty.
- An exam / a test.
- A/an exercise.
- An experiment.
- Somebody a favor.
- Good (help other people).
- Somebody some good (make somebody better/healthier).
- Your hair/face/nails.
- Harm.
- The housework/homework.
- Yourself an injury.
- A job.
- The laundry.
- Military service
- Research.
- The shopping.
- Sport.
- Your teeth (brush/clean).
- Well/badly (be successful/unsuccessful).
Functions: Expressing Agreement, or Disagreement
These are expressions that can help you in asking or giving/expressing an opinion about a subject.
Asking About Opinion
- What do you think about….
- In your opinion, …?
- What’s your opinion….?
- Any initial thoughts on …?
- Do you have any particular views on …?
- Are you for or against…..?
- Do you think that …..?
- If I asked your opinion about …………, what would you say?
- Would I be correct in saying …?
- How do you feel about …?
- Do you share the view that …?
- Please tell me your opinion on …
- Would you agree that …?
Expressing Opinion
- I think…
- As far as I’m concerned,…
- To my mind,…
- According to me,…
- Some people may disagree with me, but …
- As I see it, …
- It seems to me that…
- In my point of view / my opinion,…
- From my point of view…
- To the best of my knowledge, …
- To my mind / To my way of thinking, …
- I am of the opinion that…
- I have come to the conclusion that …
- Personally speaking / Speaking for myself, …
- I’m no expert (on this), but …
- I take the view that. ..
- My personal view is that…
- In my experience…
- As far as I understand / can see/see it,…
- I agree with you / I do agree.
- You’re right.
- I share the same view.
- I couldn’t agree more.
- We seem to be on the same wavelength.
- It’s so lovely to meet someone who thinks that way too.
- That is logical.
- I can’t argue with that.
- (I have) No doubt about it
- That is a more convincing argument.
- That’s a good point.
- I see your point.
- (That) makes sense (to me).
- I’m afraid. I respect your point, but I can’t entirely agree with it.
- No way.
- I disagree with you.
- I don’t agree with you.
- That’s only sometimes true.
- You could be correct, but…
- It’s hard to argue with that, but…
- I’m not sure I agree with you.
- I think you might be wrong.
- I can see a hole in that argument.
- That’s not the way I see it.
- Sorry, but I am not convinced.
- It is old-fashioned to say that.
Conditional Type 3
The Form of Conditional Type 3
[if + past perfect]+[would have + past participle]
[If + Subject + Verb (past perfect) + complement]+[subject + would + verb (present perfect) + complement]
Examples :
- If she had taken her umbrella, she wouldn’t have gotten wet.
- Tom would have had better marks if he had revised his lesson.
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If he had arrived on time, he would have caught the train.
- If you had listened to my advice, they wouldn’t have failed.
- If she had known about the traffic, she wouldn’t have been late.
- If we had taken the other route, we would have avoided the traffic.
The Use of Conditional Type 3
When we use conditional type 3, we refer to an impossible situation in the past. We wish for the opposite of that situation.
Consider this situation :
Last month Ann was sick. Her friend Joan didn’t know this, and she didn’t go to see her. They met again after Ann got better.
Joan said :
If I had known that you were sick, I would have gone to see you.
This means that in reality, Joan didn’t know Ann was sick, so she said:” If I had known….” and she didn’t go to see her.
- Source sentence: I didn’t play sports; I was fat.
- Target sentence: If I had played sports, I wouldn’t have been fat .
Present Wish
If only + simple past
Subject + wish + simple past
It is a situation in the present that we don’t like, or we like to have it the other way.
Tom lives far from school, so he usually arrives late.
Tom: I wish I didn’t live far from school.
If only I didn’t live far from school.
Past Wish
If only + past perfect
Subject + wish + past perfect
It is a situation in the present that we don’t like, or we like to have it the other way.
Tom had an accident because he drove very fast.
Tom: If only I hadn’t driven very fast.
I wish I hadn’t driven very fast.
TIP: Look at the verb; if it is affirmative, then change it to negative, and if it is negative, change it to affirmative.
Steps to follow:
- We look at the verb in the source sentence, if it is in the simple present, then we change it to the simple past, and if it is in the past, we change it to the past perfect.
Present wish:
- Source sentence: I don’t play sports; I am fat
- Target sentence: If only I played sports / I wish I played sports
Past wish:
- Source sentence: I didn’t play sports; I was fat.
- Target sentence: If only I had played sports. / I wish I had played sports
Writing: Linking Words
Click on the link below to see a LIST OF LINKING WORDS.
thank you so muc best teacher
Thank u so much teacher i find this very intresting keep doing this u are our only help ♡