Gateway 2 Unit 3 The Gifts of Youth

Are you currently getting ready for your national exam and seeking to gain a better understanding of “Gateway 2 Unit 3, The Gifts of Youth”? That’s why I’ve prepared a concise overview of the essential points, including an analysis of the vocabulary, functions, grammar, and writing elements featured in the unit. By reading this post, you’ll be better equipped to understand the material and increase your chances of doing well on your national exam.


Vocabulary Gateway 2 Unit 3

Qualities of Youth

  • Adventure: willingness to take the risk.
  • Imagination: the mental ability to form new ideas.
  • Passion: intense enjoyment, interest, or excitement.
  • Ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something.
  • Vigor: physical strength or good health.
  • Creativity: the ability to generate new methods or innovative ideas.
  • Vitality: the state of being strong and active.
  • Talent: natural aptitude, ability, or skill.
  • Audacity: courage, fearlessness, disposition to do something.


Some youth think adults are
: old-fashioned, intolerant, severe, bossy, undemocratic, mean, nosy, and authoritarian.

Some adults think youths are: rebellious, intolerant, strong-headed, thoughtless, careless, immature, untidy, disobedient, and adventurous.

Idiomatic Expressions  

An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words. It instead has a separate meaning of its own. Here are some examples:

  • Rain cats and dogs: to rain heavily. It’s raining cats and dogs.
  • In the bag: Certain or highly likely to occur. Don’t worry about the final exam. It’s in the bag. 
  • Dead loss: something described as a dead loss is unsuccessful or useless (a complete failure). When it comes to maths, my sister is a dead-loss. 
  • With flying colors: easily and excellently. They had their exam with flying colors.
  • Be a cold fish: be a person who is distant and unfeeling. He rarely talks to his colleagues. He’s a cold fish.
  • A bad penny: refers to a person or thing that is unpleasant, dishonorable, or unwanted that is likely to reappear, particularly at inconvenient times.
  • Hard to swallow: Something hard to swallow is difficult to believe.

Functions/Communication: Complaints

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is expressing displeasure or discontent about a situation or an event.


Complain (verb)

Complaint (noun)

How to Make a Complaint?

Complaints can be made with statements or expressions introducing your displeasure or discontent. A direct complaint can be considered rude or even impolite.

  1. I have got a bit of a problem here, you see…………………
  2. I am afraid I have to make a serious complaint.
  3. I don’t know how to say it but,…………………………
  4. Look, I’m not satisfied with the way you…………
  5. I am in the obligation of saying that……….
  6. I have a serious complaint about………….
  7. I have been patient long enough, but……………
  8. I want to complain about….
  9. Excuse me if I’m out of line, but…
  10. There may have been a misunderstanding about…
  11. I’m sorry to bother you, but…

How to Respond to Complaints

A- Accepting Complaints

  1. I do apologize for…
  2. I must apologize for…
  3. I apologize for…
  4. I want to apologize for…
  5. I am so sorry for…
  6. I shouldn’t have…
  7. It’s all my fault.
  8. I’m ashamed of…
  9. Please, forgive me for…
  10. Excuse me for …
  11. I’m sorry for…
  12. Pardon me for this…
  13. Please, forgive me for my….
  14. Please, accept my apologies for…

B- Rejecting Complaints

  1. There is nothing we can do about it.
  2. There isn’t much we can do about it.

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs include a verb + a particle (preposition, adverb). The particle can change the meaning of the verb altogether. For example::

  • look up – consult a reference book (look a word up in a dictionary)
  • look for – seek (look for her ring)
  • look forward – anticipate with pleasure (look forward to meeting someone)

To see a list of phrasal verbs, click on PHRASAL VERBS

Writing: Cause and Effect Essay

Click on this link to see How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay.



  1. thank you sir . what about the writing ?

  2. Merci Monsieur. Quelle abnégation !

  3. Mr NAdil please i have an exam tomorrow about this unit and i don’t know what i should revise for writting

    • This depends on what your teacher told you he or she is going to examine you in. I cannot tell you anything about that.

      • We just do a writing about the difference of the generation that’s it what can you give me like a advice from revising and thank you so much

  4. U r a gr8 help to us gr8 teacher. Allah blesa u.

  5. I’m making a presentation about this unit ! Can I get some advices?

    • If you are going to talk about the vocabulary, then you can base your presentation on the qualities that distinguish youth from other periods of life.
      You can also talk about some gifted youths as well.

  6. thank you teacher for help me

  7. lam afm ostad li hada darss wa l2n 3ndi fard mokin mosa3ada

  8. thanx dear teacher. great effort!!
    all the best

  9. Do you mind if i use your lessons and exercises with my students bro? plz

  10. thank you sir for your endless efforts.

  11. barakallahou fika wa jazaka koulla khayr.


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