Gateway 1 Unit 5 Celebrations

Gateway 1 Unit 5: Celebrations

The vocabulary of the Unit

Religious Celebrations

  • Ashoura  
  • The birth of the Prophet   
  • Aid Al Adha
  • Islamic New year

Local Celebrations

  • Imilchil festival
  • Festival of roses
  • Assila’s Festival
  • Wax lantern procession

National Celebrations

  • Independence day
  • The green march
  • The throne day
  • the independence day

Foreign Celebrations

  •  The New year
  • Halloween
  • Thanksgiving  

Functions /Communication SkillsExpressing Promise

Promises can be expressed with one of the following:

  • “I promise to come on time.“ a student said to his teacher.
  • “I will take you to the zoo if you keep calm.“ a mother to her little son.
  • She promised not to forget the copybook.
  • “I swear, I will come on time.“


Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to link/relate two ideas in a one sentence

The relative pronounRefers toExamples
WhoPersonThe man who is sitting there is my friend’s father
WhosePossession– The girl whose scarf is blue is my friend
– This is George, whose brother went to school with me.
WhichThingsThe car, which was a taxi, exploded
WherePlaceI love the place where I grew up
WhomPersons( generally after prepositions)This is George’s brother, with whom I went to school.
ThatPersons/thingsI have a friend that I love a lot.
She has a car that she cares a lot for

Passive Voice

Form: the passive of an active tense is formed by putting the verb to be into the same tense as the active verb and adding the past participle of the active verb:

  • Active: we keep the butter here     [ subject + verb + Object ]
  • Passive: the butter is kept here  [object + BE + VERB (PAST PARTICIPLE )  + subject]

Active tenses and their passive equivalents 

Click here to see a full explanation of THE PASSIVE VOICE


A good paragraph should include at least the following elements:

  • A clear topic sentence.
  • Enough supporting sentences
  • A concluding sentence
  • Linking words
  • Avoid mistakes in:
    • Spelling
      • Punctuation
      • Capitalization
      • Grammar

Example of a good paragraph

Bullying is a big problem on social media. It is because bullies can hide behind fake profiles easily. This makes some people feel really bad and even think about hurting themselves. But not all social media is terrible. Some people use it to help others who are being bullied. We need to learn more about how bad bullying is and work together to make social media safer.



  1. Abderrahman Sohail Abderrahman Sohail

    Definitely, you’re an altruistic teacher. I really appreciate your collaboration with inexperienced teachers. What you’ve been doing is worth referring to. Special thanks to you, Mr NABIL;;; Good luck!!!!! I’ve been teaching in the private sector since August 1991 and I’ve never ever come across such readiness to help. Respect,,!!!!!

  2. thanks a lot for your effort


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