Useful Expressions for Writing

Useful Expressions for Writing Linking words, also known as transitional words or phrases, play a crucial role in writing by connecting ideas or sentences. They...
Punctuation Rules

Punctuation Rules

Punctuation symbols are used to give sense to our spoken or written speech. They are used to structure and order your writing. Below are...
Independent and dependent clauses

Independent and dependent clauses

Written language consists of a clause and sentence. A clause is made up of at least a subject and a verb. Sometimes it can have a subject + a verb...
Learn how to Write with These Writing Tips

Learn how to Write with These Writing Tips

  Below are writing tips that aim at helping students write intelligently. Make sure you apply them whenever you are writing. Before you write, read the topic carefully and try to understand what you...
Writing - Capitalization Checklist2

Capitalization Checklist

Capitalization in writing is the practice of making the first letter of a word a capital letter. This is typically done to show that...