Writing Examples for National Exam

Writing Examples for National Exam

Writing examples for the national exam are templates/examples that are meant to help students in their writing tasks during the national exam. They include:

  1. Writing a report.
  2. Book / Film review.
  3. Personal (informal) letter.
  4. Official (formal) letter.
  5. Argumentative / opinion essay.
  6. Cause and effect essay.
  7. Advantages and disadvantages essay.
  8. Descriptive essay (object/place/person).

1. Report

A report must at least contain these elements:

  1. Place of the event.
  2. Time of the event.
  3. The number of attendants.
  4. What happened?
  5. Your evaluation/opinion

Normally the topic is as follows: Write a report about………..

Last……….(write the date)……… I attended / there was a……..(name the activity)…….It took place in ………(country, city, place)………..The ….(event)…. was about ……………….Several people attended it, approximately ……(number of the attendants)……….. were present. The activity continued for …………….. (say, for example, 4 hours, half a day, 2 days, 1 week, etc.) ………………………..There were different activities during the event, such as …………………(say what happened throughout the event)……………………... Finally, I …………………. (give your opinion/evaluation of the event)…………………because it was time for me to (give some reasons to justify your evaluation)

2. Film/Book review

Imagine you have seen a movie or you have read a book that you really liked. And you loved that much to the extent you want to tell everyone about it. What will you tell them about the film/the book you have watched/read?

You will tell them:

  1. The title of the film/book.
  2. The writer/producer
  3. Date of publication (book) or production (film)
  4. The genre of film/book
  5.  Director and actors (film)
  6. Characters (book if it is a novel or play)
  7. Duration  (film)
  8. The story of the film/book
  9. Your evaluation/opinion.

Normally the topic is as follows: Write a review of a film or a book that you have seen or read.

2.1 Film review

….. (Title of the Film) ….. is a ….. (genre like action, adventure, comedy, etc.) ….. movie that I really ….. (liked or didn’t like)…..It was made by ….. (name of producer or production company) …..in ….. (date of production)….. The movie is ….. (length of the film) …..long. The movie stars ….. (names of actors)…..It’s about ….. (a short, simple summary of the film)…… I ….. (liked/didn’t like) …..it because ….. (why you liked or didn’t like it)…..I …..(would/wouldn’t) …..recommend it to my friends because ….. (why you would or wouldn’t recommend it)……

2.2 Book review

…….. (Title of the book) ……. grabbed my interest among other books. It’s written by …… (name of the writer) …….back in ……. (date of production) ……. This book falls into the …….. genre (e.g., an action/detective/story/drama/humour/thriller/sci-fi/comedy/adventure etc.) ……… category. The main figures of the book are ……. (names of characters) ……… Title of the book is around …….. (summary of the book) ………. In conclusion, I genuinely (your opinion/evaluation) ………. because it ……. (justify your opinion) ………

3. Informal (Personal) letter

A personal letter (also called informal) is a letter that you write to someone of your age. S/he can be your friend or your sibling, etc. The layout must be respected.

3.1 Informal (Personal) letter layout

Sender’s Address:
123 Elm Street
Cityville, Morocco

August 16, 2023

Dear Sarah,

Body of the Letter:
I hope this letter finds you well. It’s been a while since we last met, and I wanted to catch up and share some exciting news.

Last weekend, I visited the new café that opened in our neighborhood, and I couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. The atmosphere is cozy, and they serve the most delicious pastries I’ve ever tasted. You simply have to try their croissants!

By the way, remember that book we were talking about? Well, I finally got my hands on a copy, and it’s even better than I expected. I’m sure you’ll love it too.

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and catching up soon. Let’s plan a coffee date sometime next week!

Take care and talk to you soon,


4. Formal letter

An official letter (also called formal ) is a letter that you write to someone whom you look up to. It can be the headmaster of your school, your teacher, a manager, etc. The layout must be respected.

4.1 Formal letter layout

Your Name:
John Smith

Your Title:
English Teacher

Your Address:
123 Elm Street
Cityville, Morocco
Postal Code: 12345

August 16, 2023

Recipient’s Name:
Ms. Emily Johnson

Recipient’s Title:

Recipient’s School/Organization:
Townsville High School

Recipient’s Address:
456 Oak Avenue
Townsville, Morocco
Postal Code: 67890

Dear Ms. Johnson,

Application for Professional Development Workshop

Body of the Letter:
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission to attend the upcoming professional development workshop on innovative teaching strategies, scheduled to take place from September 10th to 12th.

As an English teacher at Cityville High School, I believe that attending this workshop will greatly enhance my teaching skills and enable me to bring new and effective techniques to my classroom. The topics being covered align perfectly with our school’s commitment to providing high-quality education to our students.

I have reviewed the workshop details and cost, and I assure you that I will comply with all necessary procedures and paperwork. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to my teaching responsibilities during the workshop period.

I kindly request your approval to attend this workshop and seek any guidance you may have regarding the necessary formalities. Your support in this matter would greatly contribute to the professional development of our teaching staff.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Your Full Name:
John Smith


5. Argumentative / opinion essay

An Argumentative / opinion essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue. It is in this kind of essay that you are whether For or Against an idea or matter. You need to convince the reader that your idea is right. Of course, this is done by providing reasons to support our opinion. It is one of the most common essays in TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC tests.

The outline would be like that:


Explanation of the issue


  • Paragraph one:

A. Your first argument.

B. Your second argument.

C. Your Third argument.

  • Paragraph two

D. First opposite argument.

E. Second opposite argument.

F. Third opposite argument.

III. Conclusion

State a summary of your point of view.

Usually, the questions are like that:
 What is your opinion / give your opinion / what do you think of / do you think that …..?

  • Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Nowadays the issue of …………(name the subject matter you want to discuss)…………………….. is a serious matter, because (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now)……………………………... Yet, a lot of people don’t think so. The reason for this is …………………………………….(give a general reason, don’t rush into details now).

  • Body
  1. Paragraph 1 (your arguments)

There are several reasons behind the importance of ……………………(name the subject)……..
To begin with, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………………………………. secondly, …..
……………….(The 2nd reason)………………………... Also, ………………….(the 3rd reason)……
………………(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons).

2. Paragraph 2 (the opposite arguments)

On the other hand, some people don’t stand on the same ground on this matter. They think so because of different arguments. First of all, ……………….(The 1st reason)………………….. Moreover, ……………….(The 2nd reason)…………………………………. In addition to this, ……………….(The 3rd reason)………………………… (note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons too).

  • Conclusion (Stating your point of view)

To sum up / in my opinion / as I see it / I think / I believe that the issue of……………………. is of paramount importance because of (state some of the reasons you provided before in another way).

 6.  Cause and effect  essay

It is another common type of essay in The Baccalaureate Exam. In a cause/effect essay, you discuss the causes (reasons) for something, effects (results), or both causes and effects.


Explanation of the issue


  • Paragraph one: Causes

A. 1st cause.

B. 2nd cause.

C. 3rd cause.

  • Paragraph two: effects

D. First effect.

E. Second effect.

F. Third effect.

III. Conclusion

State a summary of your point of view.

Cause and effect  essay example

I. Introduction

…………………………. is a serious matter/issue/phenomenon that ……………. threatens/affects…………….negatively/positively. It is the outcome of different reasons and of course, it has several………. effects too. I am going to shed light on both causes and consequences of ………………...

II. Body

There are several/numerous/plenty of reasons behind ……………………….. (the subject you are discussing) ………………... To begin with, ………………………… (1st cause) ……………………... Next, ……………… (2nd cause)…………………….. In addition to this, …………(3rd cause) ………... ………..(your subject matter)………….leads to different consequences/results/effects. Firstly…………(1st effect)…………………………. Secondly, ……………..(2nd effect)……….. Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd effect)…………..

III. Conclusion 

As mentioned before, ……………….. (your subject matter) ………. has many effects on …………………………. Hence, there are several measures to be taken urgently. First ………………second……………………………………finally……………………..

7. Advantages and disadvantages essay

It has the same structure as the Cause/Effect essay. Just change the word causes to advantages and the word effects to disadvantages.


Explanation of the issue


  • Paragraph one: Advantages

A. 1st advantage.

B. 2nd advantage.

C. 3rd advantage.

  • Paragraph two: disadvantages

D. First disadvantage.

E. Second disadvantage.

F. Third disadvantage.

III. Conclusion

State a summary of your point of view.

Advantages and disadvantages essay

I. Introduction

……………….. is a great invention that has numerous advantages. Yet there are many disadvantages too. So what are the positive and negative sides of ……………….

II. Body

There is no doubt that …………….  (the subject you are discussing) ……………. has many advantages….. To begin with, ………………………… (1st advantage) ……………….. Next, ………………….. (2nd advantage) …………………….. In addition to this, ………….. (3rd advantage)………... On the other hand, it has disadvantages too. ……….. (1st disadvantages)……………….. .Secondly, ……………..(2nd disadvantage)………..   Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd disadvantage)…………………………….

III. Conclusion

As mentioned before, ……………….. (your subject matter) ………. has many disadvantages on …………….. Hence, there are number of measures to be taken urgently. First………….second………………finally……………………..

8. Descriptive  essay (describing an object, a place, or a person)

7.1 Descriptive  essay (describing an object)

A descriptive essay is generally characterized by the use of adjectives. it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds

7.2  Descriptive  essay (describing a place)

A descriptive essay is generally characterized by the use of adjectives. it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds7.

7.3 Descriptive  essay (describing a person)

When describing a person, you should speak about the physical appearance of that person and his/her personality.

  • What does s/he look like? (physically)
  • How does s/he dress?
  • What does s/he look like? (personality)
  • What attracts you to that person? What do you like most about him or her?


  1. please i want you to provide me with lesson plans for gateway 1

  2. thanks a lot.may God bless you.

  3. Thank you a lot for all what you for us

  4. Should i write my first name in the end of the e-mail or not (some teachers say do not write your name or sign the e-mail). Please i need the anwer urgently beacause i have the bac exam after tomorrow!

    • Don’t mention your name since it can be considered as a sign. Good luck!

    • Houda, do as your teachers told you. Writing your name may cause some troubles for you.

      • thank you so much for your answers

  5. Should i write my first name in the end of the e-mail or not (some teachers say do not write your name or sign the e-mail). Please i need the anwer urgently beacause i have the bac exam after tomorrow!

    • Hoy, do as your teachers told you. Writing your name may cause some troubles for you.

  6. thanks a lot teacher but what about how to write emails? .give us some examples if you don’t mind
    and keep doing well

  7. Mohammed Achgar Mohammed Achgar

    My teacher ,i would like to thank you alot ,your making great efforts walah.i just want to ask you if you can explain to me how to write email informal one ,with examples.its really amazing website it covers almost everything .It will be number one if you add some addtional courses like how to read books and how to develop listening and university courses as well.that is just my point of veiw;you know best than me.respect from casablanca.

  8. Thank you soooo much ^^ … you help our student in morocco


    thx a bunch dear sir. great job indeed.

  10. tbarkallah 3lik .. majhud kabir .. jazaka lahu khayran

  11. hi teacher if you don’t mind would you add more exmples for those writings thank you!

  12. Allah bless you for your efforts

  13. I was trying to get some interesting writing activities for my students and I landed here!
    Dear Nabil, you are a devoted teacher and allow me to tell you that your generosity is palpable. Thank you dear friend for this interesting website, and please, keep up doing great work…
    Much respect.

    Siham Mechiche Alami

    • Oh, Siham.
      The pleasure is mine. Thanks should go to You for your encouraging words.

  14. Thanks a lot. kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SI NABIL.

  15. Thank you si Nabil for the effort. It has helped me a lot. I intend to use this material with my students and refer them to your website to benefit more from this rich website.Thanks again.By the way, I am also interested in ICT. I make videos explaining English lessons.This is my channel: http://www.youtube.com/englishinfo123

  16. Thank you so much. I’m an English teacher and I really like job.You are doing great job;Please go on. الله يرحم الوالدين

  17. Thank you so much for everything you shared..It’s not just useful for students but also for teachers

  18. Hi! Mr. Nabil. I hope you’re doing well. My name is Salah and I’m a university student, I’m in my third year. I’ve worked in school assistance as an auxiliary job, and I’ve benefited a lot from your Website. I want to express my gratitude and thank you for everything. Allah helps those who help others. All the best teacher Nabil.

    • Hello, Salah.
      “Allah helps those who help others.” Thanks a lot for this. It means a lot for me.

  19. Thank you teacher for your significant efforts to help us , may God grant you what you wish for .
    Teacher , excuse me but I would like to know if scientific students should also know how to write letters (both official and personal) , or is it just for literary students ?
    Thank you .

  20. teacher could you plz help me ! I find deffuvlities in how to write an article to a school magazine!!

    • It’s a matter of practice ya Mehdi. The more you practise writing, the better it’ll be.

  21. Hi teacher, thank you for all, I would ask you if there is a pdf file for that writings and thank you a lot .

    • Don’t mention it Saad. You can copy and paste them in word. Office Word keeps the same format when something is pasted in it.

  22. greetings from taounate, i would like to thank you for these great efforts
    thank you so much, i hope you continue the same, allah may bless you brother

  23. Thank you teacher . we really benefit from it a lot.

  24. thank you very much its kind of you thinking about helping us ………very interesting web site

  25. Hi teacher, firsly thank you for your effort.Then I have a question about the sender’s adress in an email, it has the same form of the adress in an informal letter or we should use (From:…To:…Subject:…) ?

    • Hello Miss Fatima Zahra , First of all sorry for being a little bit late in responding to your question because I was busy and I didn’t have time to look here .
      as for your question , No you don’t have to .

  26. my dear i miss you very much my teacher . and thanks for your efforts and wallah i had problem in how i write a writing about film but now hamdolilah due to my dear thakns.

  27. khadija Elfarhi khadija Elfarhi

    This is my first visit of the website and i found it very educative Masha allah i feel so proud to look up a moroccan website with this exellence . i wish you the best teacher .
    a student .

    • Thank you Miss Khadija . it is just a humble work which aims at helping Moroccan students in English.

  28. Thank you so much one of the best teacher , really that website is very rich of informations important 🙂

    • Mehdi Zine mardi lwalidine .thanks for your visit. How is Badr doing , I hope You are well .

  29. Great educative website for all students thanks teacher

    • With pleasure Mohamed. I am striving to make it the number 1 in Morocco . D3i m3ana 🙂


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