Ticket 2 English Unit 8 International Organisations

You will find a concise summary of the essential elements of “Ticket 2 English Unit 8 International Organisations” in this post, including vocabulary, functions, grammar, and writing.


Vocabulary Ticket 2 English Unit 8

According to Wikipedia:

An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types: governmental and non-governmental organizations. These pages provide facts sheets about some of these organizations.

1- Acronyms (abbreviations) of Famous International Organizations

  • UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
  • ICESCO: Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Emergency Funds
  • UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • WHO: World Health Organisation
  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation
  • ICRC: International Committee of the Red Crescent / Cross
  • TI: Transparency International
  • AI: Amnesty International
  • BIS: Bank for International Settlements
  • ILO: International Labour Organization
  • ITU: International Telecommunication Union

2– Some Collocations Related to International Organisations

  • Address global challenges
  • Address poverty
  • Advocate for gender equality
  • Combat climate change
  • Combat corruption
  • Combat cyber threats
  • Combat disease
  • Combat piracy
  • Combat terrorism
  • Combat trafficking
  • Conduct peace negotiations
  • Coordinate aid
  • Coordinate disaster response
  • Declare a ceasefire
  • Deliver emergency relief
  • Ensure nuclear non-proliferation
  • Ensure security
  • Enhance bilateral relations
  • Enhance cooperation
  • Establish diplomatic ties
  • Facilitate cultural exchange
  • Facilitate dialogue
  • Facilitate diplomatic talks
  • Facilitate international trade
  • Facilitate peace
  • Facilitate trade
  • Foster economic cooperation
  • Give a farewell speech
  • Hold a summit
  • Implement sanctions
  • Maintain peace
  • Monitor compliance
  • Monitor human rights
  • Negotiate a peace treaty
  • Negotiate treaties
  • Offer financial assistance
  • Organize a fundraising campaign
  • Promote democracy
  • Promote education
  • Promote equality
  • Promote global health initiatives
  • Promote sustainable development
  • Provide assistance
  • Provide humanitarian aid
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Restore order
  • Run a campaign
  • Settle a dispute
  • Spearhead peacekeeping efforts
  • Strengthen international security
  • Strengthen ties
  • Support refugees
  • Veto a decision

3- Other Vocabulary Related to International Organizations

Officials (persons)‎

  • Spokesman
  • Deputy
  • Diplomat
  • Vice President
  • Commissioner
  • Ambassador
  • Secretary-General


  • Charter
  • Resolution
  • Report
  • Declaration
  • Constitution

Establishment (places)

  • General Assembly
  • Headquarters
  • Congress
  • Court
  • Council

Functions: Expressing Good News and Bad News ‎

Telling Bad News

  • I feel sad to tell you that…………
  • I am sorry to tell you such bad news, but…………….
  • I know it’s bad news, but…………….
  • Pull yourself together, ……………..
  • I’ve got a bit of bad news to tell you……
  • I have some bad news for you, ………

Telling Good News

  • You won’t believe such good news, ……………….
  • I have some joyful news for you, ………………
  • I have some excellent news to tell you, …………
  • I’ve got a bit of good news to tell you……

Responding to Good News

  • Sounds great
  • My goodness
  • That sounds like great news!
  • Superb
  • Congratulations
  • Great news
  • I’m glad to hear that!
  • You cannot imagine how glad I am to hear such great news
  • Are you kidding
  • I can’t believe it
  • What fantastic news!
  • Really?
  • Incredible

Responding to Bad News

  • Sorry to hear that
  • Oh, my Lord
  • I’m sorry to hear such bad news.
  • You cannot imagine how sad I am to hear such bad news
  • Are you kidding
  • I can’t believe it
  • That must be terrible
  • Really

Grammar: Linking Words

Linking words show logical relationships between clauses in a sentence, between sentences within a paragraph, or even between paragraphs. They may convey ideas such as addition, contrast, concession, time, reason, result, etc.‎

Below are the most frequently used Linking words in Moroccan English textbooks.

Click here to see LINKING WORDS LESSON

Exercises are here:

Linking words exercises.

Writing: Formal Letter

Click on the image below for this lesson: How do You Write a Formal Letter?



  1. the lesson concerning writing in this unit is about writing an e-mail not a fromal letter

    • A formal letter to the editor or to an organization ( such as the case is unit 8) or to authorities or to a school magazine is similar to a formal email. The focus of the lesson is writing a formal letter/email: they are the same despite very few differences especially concerning addresses. At this point students should not worry much about this

  2. Very nice and useful website 😉


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