Gateway 1 Unit 6 Health and Welfare

“Gateway 1 Unit 6: Health and Welfare” gives first-year baccalaureate students in Morocco access to the essential language, grammar, and functions related to health and welfare. This short rundown summarizes the knowledge students must gain to grasp Health and Welfare fully.


Body Parts

1- Neck
2- Chest
3- Ear
4- Throat
5- Heel
6- Shoulder
7- Head
8- Back
9- Hip
10- Arm
11- Eye
12- Wrist
13- Leg
14- Stomach
15- Waist
16- Elbow
17- Knee
18- Toes
19- Foot
20- Thigh

Functions: Expressing Complaints

Complaints can be made with statements or expressions introducing your displeasure or discontent. A direct complaint can be considered rude or even impolite.

  1. I have got a bit of a problem here, you see…………………
  2. I am afraid I have to make a serious complaint
  3. I don’t know how to say it but,…………………………
  4. Look, I’m not satisfied with the way you…………
  5. I am in the obligation to say that……….
  6. I have a serious complaint about………….
  7. I have been patient long enough, but……………
  8. I want to complain about…
  9. Excuse me if I’m out of line, but…
  10. There may have been a misunderstanding about…
  11. I’m sorry to bother you, but…

Grammar: Conditional Type 0 and 1

Conditional Type 0

What is conditional type 0

Conditional Type 0, or zero conditional, talks about general truths and always facts. It is formed using the present simple tense in the if-clause and the main clause. The if-clause expresses the condition and the main clause expresses the result.

The structure of conditional type 0

[If + subject + present simple] + [subject + present simple]

Examples of conditional type 0

  • If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
  • You get hungry if you don’t eat food.
  • If it rains, the streets get wet.
  • If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
  • If you exercise regularly, you can improve your health.

Conditional Type 1

What is conditional type 1

condition type 1 refers to the first conditional, also known as the real conditional. It is used to express a possible or likely event or situation in the future, and it consists of two parts: the conditional clause (if clause) and the main clause. The conditional clause states the condition, while the main clause expresses the result or consequence of that condition.

The structure of conditional type 1

[if + subject + present simple] + [subject + future simple]

Examples of conditional type 1

  • If I study hard, I will pass the exam.
  • If it rains, I will stay at home.
  • If you don’t hurry, you will miss the bus.
  • If he arrives early, we can have dinner together.
  • If she saves enough money, she will buy a new car.

Grammar: Modal Verbs

1- Can – Could

•‎ Ability – John can speak English but can’t speak Spanish.‎
‎•‎ Ability (in the past) – My mother could swim when she was younger.‎
‎•‎ Possibility – 
I can learn English.‎
‎•‎ Permission – 
Can I go out, please?‎
‎•‎ Offer – Can I help you, madam? ‎
‎•‎ Request – Could you bring me a cup of tea, please?‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ To be able to
‎•‎ To be capable of
‎•‎ To be (im)possible to
‎•‎ To be allowed to

2- May – Might

‎•‎ Permission (politeness) – May I open the window, please?‎
‎•‎ Possibility – The chauffeur may be in the car.‎
‎ Susan may not come tomorrow.‎
‎ You might participate in the contest.‎
‎•‎ Probability – It might rain.‎

Substituting verb

•‎ To be allowed to
‎•‎ To be likely to
‎•‎ To be probable to
‎•‎ Perhaps… will

3- Will – Would

•‎ Requests (more polite) – Would you mind closing the door? ‎
‎•‎ Determination/intention – I will pass the exam.‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ To want
‎•‎ To desire
‎•‎ To be determined to

4 – Shall – Should

‎•‎ Offer – Shall I open the door for you?‎
‎•‎ Suggestion – Shall we go to the cinema?‎
‎•‎ Advice – You should eat more vegetables.‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ Do you want…?‎
‎•‎ Let’s
‎•‎ To have to (morally)‎
‎•‎ To be the (moral) duty
‎•‎ ‎… Would better…‎

5 – Must/‎Have to – Had to

‎•‎ Obligation/duty – You must do your homework, whether you want to ‎or not.‎
‎•‎ Deduction – He has a great car. He must earn a lot of money.‎
‎•‎ Necessity – You must go to the doctor if you can’t see well.‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ To have to
‎•‎ To be obliged to
‎•‎ To have the obligation
‎•‎ To be certain

6 – Mustn’t

‎•‎ Prohibition – You mustn’t cross the road when the red light is on.‎

Substituting verb

•‎ To be forbidden
‎•‎ To be prohibited to

7 – Ought to

•‎ Recommendation/moral obligation – You ought to study more.‎

Substituting verb

•‎ To have to

8 – Need/Needn’t‎

‎•‎ ‎(Absence of) obligation/necessity – You needn’t run. It’s still early.‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ To be necessary
‎•‎ Don’t need to
‎•‎ Don’t have to

9 – Dare ‎

‎•‎ Audacity or lack of it – How dare you?/He daren’t look at me.‎

Substituting verb

‎•‎ To have the courage to

Modal Verbs in the Past

Sometimes Modal Verbs can express PAST FUNCTIONS. The structure, therefore, is MODAL VERB + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE

  • Tom is late. He may/could/might have missed the bus (Possibility/Probability in the past)
  • Tom is late. He must have missed the bus again(certainty in the past)
  • He can’t have committed the crime because he was with me at that time (an impossibility in the past)


  1. I m so impressioned by your work.Can you give us a summary of unit 8 plz.Im from Oujda.Almassira high school

  2. thank you very much 🙂

  3. Pleaz teacher can you do unit 7 and thanks

  4. very useful .Thank you very much


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