Morocco has a multi-ethnic society and rich culture, civilization, and etiquette. Throughout Moroccan history, Morocco has hosted many people, in addition to the indigenous Berbers, coming from the East (Phoenicians, Arabs), South (Sub-Saharan African), and North (Romans, Vandals, Spanish-Andalusians both Muslims and Jewish). All of these have left an impact on the social structure of Morocco. It has also hosted many beliefs, from Paganism, Judaism, and Christianity to Islam. Each region possesses its uniqueness, contributing to the national culture. Morocco has set among its top priorities the protection of its diversity and the preservation of its cultural heritage.
Historical Monuments and Architecture
- Volubilis
- Hassan Tour
- Hercule Cave
- Bab Mansour
- Menara
- Mint tea
- Tagine
- Traditional wear
- Oranges
- Fish
- Couscous
Arts and Crafts
- Carpet Making
- Pottery
- Horse Riding
- Camel Breeding
- Folklore
Geography and Landscape
- Oasis
- Dunes
- Sea Shores
- Ports
- Mountains
- Sand Dunes
Functions/Communication Skills: Expressing Opinions and Beliefs
Asking about Opinions or Beliefs
- In your opinion, what/who/where/why…….?
- What do you think……..?
- What/who do you believe ………?
- What are your views about ………………..?
- Don’t you think that …………….?
- What/who do you think…………..?
Giving Answers about Opinions or Beliefs
- I think that ………………
- In my opinion,
- As far as I am concerned………………………
- To my mind ……………..
- I believe ………………….
- For me,……………………
Simple Past Tense
There are two types of verbs in the simple past: Regular and Irregular
Regular verbs are verbs that take the (ed) when changed to the past simple
watch → watched
Listen → listened
Irregular verbs have no rule
do → did
be → was/were
have → had
speak → spoke
The use of Simple Past Tense
We generally use the simple past tense to talk about:
1. something that happened once in the past/ for a finished action in the past
• I met my wife in 1983.
• We went to Spain for our holidays.
• They got home very late last night
Time expressions used with simple past
• Yesterday
• three weeks ago
• last year, month, week, hour ………
• in 2002
• the previous week, lesson, month…………
Articles: A / an / the
- Indefinite articles: A / An
“A” and “an” signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to any member of a group. For example:
“My daughter wants a dog for Christmas.” This refers to any dog. We don’t know which dog because we haven’t found the dog yet.
- Definite Article: The
When the noun is specific or particular, the definite article is used before singular and plural nouns. The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of a group. For example:
“The dog that bit me ran away.” Here, we’re talking about a specific dog, the dog that bit me.
Writing: Punctuation and Capitalization
1- Names of people ( Peter – Asmae – Khalid )
2- Name of places ( Hassan Tower – Jamaa Lfna…)
3- Countries and cities (Morocco – Rabat – Kenitra…)
4- At the beginning of a sentence.
5- Titles in reading texts.
6- Days and months ( Monday – Friday – February …..
7- Public holidays and feasts ( The Independence Day – The Green March….)
8- Languages ( Arabic – English – French ….)
9- Titles of books and magazines (La Boîte à Merveilles – Romeo and Juliet…)
. Period (or full stop)
, Comma
; Semicolon
: Colon
‘ Apostrophe
“..” Quotation marks
? Question mark (or interrogation point)
! Exclamation mark
- Hyphen
( ) Parentheses (or brackets)
[ ] Brackets, square (or braces)
Thank you
Page 66 tashih tamarin
Thank you teacher
My pleasure
ممكن نصائح تعلم الإنجليزية بسرعة جزاك الله خيرا شرفت المغرب أخي ممكن رد
خاصها موضوع كامل.
بالمناسبة . راني مغربي.
Page 19
Page 19
writing page 10
What’s up with it?
thanks 🙂
Thank you very much Sir. If you don’t mind Sir, I have a request, would you please provide me with the names of the Authors of the textbook “Gateway to English 2”? I’ll be grateful. Thank you in advance Sir
@Highest tower.
Their names are:
Mohammed HASSIM
Mustapha Blibil
Abdelkarim Rasmy
thank s you mr nabil
Hi teacher. Thank u for ur efforts. But I can find nothing about ” Are u for or against the cultural heritage ” and I have it as a homework. Can u help me ?
Thanks again.
Thank you Teacher
Hello sir, thanks a lot for your efforts, I really appreciate it. keep up 🙂
thank you teacher
My pleasure Ayoub 🙂
thank you
With pleasure
Hi Mr. Nabil!
Thanks for the invaluable effort; it’s noble of you to create such a helping resource for the ELT community.
(I would like to draw your attention to the second column in the 1st chart, which I think should say something like: Food, Clothing and Customs).
Thank you
Oh. Thanks a lot for the remark.
Bunch of Thnxx fr the efforts 🙂 .. Any good suggestions on hw to teach the vocab of this unit ? !!
With pleasure Miss Oumayma.
use realia and elicit vocabulary from students.
thank you for that
With pleasure 🙂
salam Brother Nabil
I hope you’re doing great. I’d like to thank you for the good job you did here.
I wish you good luck
Wa alikom salam Med.
Alhamdolilah I am fine. Thanks for your message.
thank you so much for the efforts you invested in doing this amazing job .
Are there any lesson plans for these units ?
Don’t mention it my dear.
Unfortunately no.
really you are awsome. thanks brother. may allah reward you greately for the work
Ameen my dear NAbil 🙂
Thanks a lot (:
It’s a pleasure 🙂
Salam fellowteacher. I congratulate you on this great job. Well done.
salamo alikom Nourddine. Thanks a bunch.
Salam aleikul Brother. May Allah Bless you, your beloved ones, and the whole Ummah. We’re in dire need for Gateway 1 lesson plans. Please let us know if you upload any..the sooner the better inshaa’Allaah. keep going!
wa alikom salam Ayoub. I wish I had them. But unluckily I don’t.
Once I have them i shall let you know.
tbarkellah 3lik . please Ineed english lesson plan for gateway 1 . thanks in advance
Allah ybark fik Miss khadija. I on’t have them right now but once ready I’ll let you know.just keep visiting here.
Thanks a bunch Mr.Nabil for your efforts .THERE IS A MISTAKE IN (ABOUT THE AUTHOR) YOU WROTE ….. a teacher who have been teaching .I think it should be ….. a teacher who HAS been teaching
With pleasure 🙂
As for what you thought is a mistake, in fact it is not.
because “I am a high school English Teacher who have been teaching over more than 11 years now. ”
that sentence normally is : I am a high school English Teacher + I have been teaching over more than 11 years now. those two sentences I joined them in one using the relative pronoun “who”. That “who” replaces the “I”. Thus “I have been” = “who have been”.
And thanks a lot for your remark 🙂
salam.wach momkin t3tini had dars bghit ntelechargih
the download link is added Miss Sara .