Expressing Cause and Effect

Expressing cause and effect in English can be used by linking words such as ‘because,’ ‘due to,’ ‘as a result,’ ‘therefore,’ ‘so,’ ‘thus,’ and ‘hence.’ You can also use phrases such as ’caused by,’ ‘owing to,’ ‘as a consequence of,’ ‘on account of,’ and ‘due to the fact that.’ For example, you could say, “I failed the exam because I didn’t study enough,” or “Due to the fact that I didn’t study enough, I failed the exam.” You can also use a verb phrase such as “led to” or “resulted in” to connect the cause and effect.

Expressing Cause (x)

  • Because of/due to/owing to/thanks to‎ ………….(x)…….., ………………(y)…………
  • …(y)… is/are caused by /due to …..(x)‎…….
  • Since/Because ………(x)………., …………..(y)……………………
  • As………(x)………., …………..(y)……………………
  • The cause of …(y)…. is…(x)……


Due to/Because of/Owing to/Thanks to + Gerund/Noun

Because/since/as + Subject + Verb

Expressing effect (y)

  • ……(x)…….Consequently………(y)……..
  • …..(x)……..For this reason, ……(y)……..
  • …..(x)…..That’s why, ……..(y)…………
  • ……(x)…….. As a result, ………(y)……
  • ….…(x……As a consequence, ………(y)……
  • ….…(x)………… So ………(y)……….
  • ….…(x)……..thus ………(y)………
  • The result/effect/consequence of…..…(x)….… is………(y)……..

Expressing Cause and Effect Examples

Because of her hard work, she got good grades

Her good grades are due to her hard work.

The result of her hard work is her good grades.

She worked hard, and as a result, she had good grades.

The cause of her excellent grades is her hard work.

Overeating junk food can cause weight gain and heart disease.

Exercising regularly can lead to increased energy levels and improved overall health.

Smoking cigarettes can result in lung cancer and bronchitis.

I’m late for work because my alarm clock didn’t go off.

He lost his job as a result of chronic absenteeism.



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