Ticket to English 1 Unit 2 Society

Ticket to English 1 Unit 2 Society


What is society?

Society is a group of people living in the same place and sharing the same values.

We should help:

The children- the poor people- the disabled/people with special needs- the older people- the adolescents- the homeless people- the jobless people- the sick people, etc.

  • Hospitality: Ability to welcome people by offering them food and shelter.
  • Adolescence: Period of life from 13 to 18 years old
  • To socialize: To spend time with others in a friendly way
  • Homeless: Without a home/house
  • Autonomy: Independence
  • Generation gap: A difference in ideas and behavior between older and younger people.
  • Divorce: Separation of husband and wife
  • Jobless: Without an occupation
  • Joyriding: To drive a car for pleasure at high speed
  • Tolerance: The capacity to respect the opinions, religion, or behavior of others.
  • To complain: To express discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness.
  • Childhood: Period of life from birth to 13 years old.
  • Shelter: Somewhere to live in.
  • Handicapped: A person having a physical or mental defect

Prefixes and Suffixes (Word Formation)


are a group of letters that come at the beginning of a word, and they usually change its meaning:


Happy vs. Unhappy

Pleasure vs. Displeasure


Are a group of letters that come at the end of a word, and they usually change its category (verb – noun – adjective – adverb….):


Home (noun) – homeless (adjective)

Comfort (noun) – comfortable (adjective)

Lazy (adjective) – lazily (adverb)

Dark (adjective) => darken (verb)

Functions/communication: Expressing Complaint

A complaint expresses displeasure, discontent, or unhappiness about a situation or an event.


Complain (verb)

Complaint (noun)

Making complaints

  • I have got a bit of a problem here, you see……
  • I am afraid I must make a serious complaint.
  • I do not know how to say it, but…………
  • Look, I am not satisfied with the way you…………
  • I am in the obligation of saying that………
  • I have a serious complaint about…………
  • I have been patient long enough, but………
  • I want to complain about…
  • Excuse me if I am out of line, but…
  • There may have been a misunderstanding about…
  • I’m sorry to bother you, but …

Accepting complaints

  • I do apologize for…
  • I must apologize for…
  • I apologize for…
  • I would like to apologize for…
  • I am so sorry for…
  • I should not have…
  • It is all my fault.
  • I am ashamed of…
  • Please, forgive me for…
  • Excuse me for …
  • I am sorry for…
  • Pardon me for this…
  • Please, forgive me for my….
  • Please, accept my apologies for…

Rejecting complaints

  • Well, I am afraid there is nothing we can do about it. 
  • I am afraid there is not much we can do about it.
  • It wasn’t my fault.
  • Well. You should not blame me for that.

Grammar: Articles A, AN, THE

Articles aan, and the are used with nouns. The articles a and an are used before singular countable nouns. The article the is used before countable and uncountablesingular and plural nouns.

Countable Nouns are nouns we can count. They are nouns that take the plural form


pen – pens

boy – boys

hour – hours

university – universities

Uncountable Nouns are nouns we cannot count. They do not take the plural form.





A/an (the indefinite articles)

The form a is used before singular words beginning with a consonant or a vowel with a consonant sound:

  • A pen
  • A boy
  • A hat
  • A one-man show (o here is a consonant sound)
  • A university ( u here is a consonant sound)

The form an is used before singular nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or a silent h:

  • An apple
  • An intelligent boy
  • An egg
  • An onion
  • An hour (h is a silent letter. It is written but not pronounced)

We use the indefinite articles A and AN:

1. There are several things, but I want only one of them, not a definite one:

  • Give me a pen (any pen).
  • I need a cup of flour.

2. Professions and trades:

  • Bob is a teacher.
  • Lina is an actress.

3. With some fixed expressions:

  • She has got a lot of friends.
  • He uses a large amount of space.
  • I need a few more plates.
  • May I have a little more tea, please?
  • I go to school once a day.

4. First reference to something or someone:

  • I met a boy and a girl in the street. The boy was wearing a jacket, and the girl was wearing a skirt.

5. Classification of objects and people:

  • a cat is an animal
  • An ape is a monkey
  • a house is a building

6. After what and such (to express exclamation):

  • What a gentle boy!
  • She is such a talkative person!
  • It is such an exciting topic!

The (the definite article)

The definite article THE is used with countable nouns, singular and plural, and with uncountable nouns


The apples

The eggs

The students

We use the indefinite article THE:

1. When referring to a person or an object already referred to:

  • I met a boy and a girl in the street. The boy was wearing a jacket, and the girl was wearing a skirt.

2. Names of hotels:

  • The Maamoura hotel
  • The Hilton Hotel 

3. Names of oceans, seas, rivers, and mountains: 

  • The Atlantic Ocean 
  • The Mediterranean Sea 
  • The River Sebou 
  • The Atlas Mountains

4. Reference to a specific category of people:

  • The homeless.
  • The jobless.
  • The sick.
  • The rich.

5. Reference to unique things:

  • The sun is shining
  • The earth is not flat

6. Names of some countries:

  • The United States
  • The Netherlands
  • The Philippines

7. Names of newspapers:

  • The Daily Express
  • The Sunday Times

8. Names of organizations:

  • The United Nations
  • The British Council

9. With superlatives:

  • Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco.
  • He is the most careful person I’ve ever known.

10Reference to the nation as a whole:

  • The English are cold blood
  • The French love onion soup

11. Nouns followed by who, which, that, where, whose:

  • The person who lives next door is gentle.
  • The butter which I bought was fresh.
  • The place where I live is popular.

Grammar: Used to (Past Habit)

When we want to talk about something we frequently did in the past as a habit, we use the form:



  • When I was a child, I used to cry a lot
  • They used to play football
  • We use it to get up early


  • We did not/didn’t use to take sandwiches to school
  • We never used to go on long Holidays


  • Did you use to cry when you were a child?
  • What did you use to do on Sundays?


Life in the Past and Life in the Present

As we said before, every paragraph should contain a topic sentencedeveloping sentencesa concluding sentence, and linking words.

(Topic Sentence) Life in the present is totally different from life in the past in different ways. (developing sentences) To begin with, people used to travel by carts, but now they travel by cars and planes. Also, they used to communicate with landline phones. Yet, they now use smartphones. Furthermore, people used to listen to the radio, but now they use satellite dishes and the Internet. Another difference is that people in the past used to eat food they made at home. Yet in today’s world, most people eat fast food. (concluding sentence) To sum up, life nowadays differs from life in the early days. 



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