Ticket to English 1 Unit 3 Health and Welfare

Ticket to English 1 Unit 3 Health and Welfare


Health Problems 

Toothache – Acne Spots – Fever – Flu Backache – Headache – Stomachache – Skin Rush – Heart Disorders – Eyesight – Recurring Indigestion

Health Tips 

  • Have a balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid some bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Have regular medical checkups
  • Take some rest

I suffer from

  1. A skin rash
  2. Heart disorder 
  3. Chronic depression
  4. Blurry eyesight 
  5. Recurring indigestion 
  6. Toothache

You ought to/should see

  1. a dermatologist 
  2. a cardiologist
  3. a psychoanalyst 
  4. an ophthalmologist 
  5. a gastroenterologist 
  6. a dentist


  1. Fit
  2. Obese
  3. Recover
  4. Diagnose
  5. Prescribe
  6. Aware
  7. Operate
  8. Grow
  9. Prevent
  10. Able


  1. Fitness
  2. Obesity
  3. Recovery
  4. Diagnosis
  5. Prescription
  6. Awareness
  7. Operation
  8. Growth
  9. Prevention
  10. Ability

Functions/Communication: Asking for and Giving Advice

Asking for advice

  1. What do you advise me to…….?
  2. What should I do?
  3. If you were in my situation, What would you do?
  4. Do you suggest/have any advice?
  5. What’s the best/practical advice for this situation?
  6. I don’t know what to do. How can I……..?
  7. What would you advise me to do?
  8. What ought I do?
  9. What would you do if……?
  10. Do you think it’s a good idea if I………? 

Giving advice

  • If I were you, I would………..
  • You should…………
  • You’d better (not) + (bare infinitive)………………
  • Why don’t you………..
  • It would be better if you……………..
  • I advise you to…………
  • In your situation, I would…………….
  • Have you thought about……………
  • Maybe you should………. 

Examples of asking for and giving advice

Speaker 1: I suffer from acne spots. What should I do?

Speaker 2: If I were you, I would go to a dermatologist.

Speaker 3: I want to improve my Writing skills. Do you suggest any advice?

Speaker 4: In your situation, I would read a lot and practice some writing.

Speaker 5: I smoke, and I want to stop it. What would you advise me to do?

Speaker 6: Well. You’d better stop smoking. Why don’t you try playing sports?


The Present Perfect

The Form: has/have + past participle

Note: he, she, it + has

Affirmative: She has already eaten her dinner.

Negative: It Hasn’t/has not rained yet.

Interrogative: Have you finished your exercise?

                    Where have you been lately?

The Present Perfect is used:

1. When the time has not finished


    I have read three books this month (this month has not finished yet)

2. When the time is not mentioned


    She has obtained a diploma. We should congratulate her.

3. When the time is recent


    she has just got married

4. With time expressions like Already, just, yet, as soon as, never, ever, till now, up to now, recently, lately, so far….

– Since + point in time / for + duration

I have lived here since 1987.

I have lived here for 29 years.

Modal Verbs

Check this link for a complete list of Modal Verbs and their functions.

Writing: Informal Letter

A personal letter (also called informal) is a letter you write to someone your age. S/he can be your friend or your sibling, etc. It has a casual tone. An informal letter may include informal language, such as slang and personal stories. The layout must be respected.

  • Date: Write the date on the letter’s top right or left corner. 
  • For example, “June 17, 2023”.
  • Salutation: YOu should begin the letter with a friendly greeting to the person you are sending the letter. You can use phrases like “Dear [Recipient’s Name],” “Hi [the recipient’s Name],” or simply “Hello.”
  • Introduction: Start the letter by expressing your feelings or setting the tone. You can begin with simple phrases like “I hope this letter finds you well” or “It’s been a while since we last spoke.”
  • Body: Discuss the main subject or purpose of your letter in the body of the letter. Sharing personal news, inquiring about the recipient’s well-being, discussing a recent event or experience, expressing thanks, or engaging in a casual chat are all examples of this. You can use conversational language and a welcoming tone in this section.
  • Closing: Conclude the letter with a closing statement or a friendly remark. You can use phrases like “Take care,” “Best regards,” “Looking forward to hearing from you,” or “Yours sincerely,” depending on your relationship with the recipient.


  1. Please where is the lesson of unit 4 Environment and Ecology


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